Free-5 for 30 days
Price: FREE
Capacity: 5 multitrack song files
This is a trial plan that can be activated once per user.
Price: FREE
Capacity: 5 multitrack song files
This is a trial plan that can be activated once per user.
Price: $30 per 30 days ($CAD)
Capacity: 10 multitrack song files
Price: $20 per 30 days ($CAD)
Capacity: additional 10 multitrack song files
Add multiple Add-10 plans as needed.
You can add Add-10 plans at any time and the system will automatically sync the Add-10 plan with the 30 day cycle of your Standard-10 plan. The purchase price will be pro-rated accordingly during the checkout process.
There's no cost for the singers and musicians accessing and using the shared media links and no signup is needed, only the password created by the poster. Only the person creating and posting media for sharing needs to have an account.
Payment can be made online by checking the box to request a PayPal invoice at checkout. A PayPal invoice will be sent to your email address within 24 hours using the billing information you enter. You can pay the PayPal invoice using a PayPal balance or with a credit card which doesn't require signing up for a PayPal account.
If you prefer not to pay online, don't check this box at checkout and a PDF invoice will be emailed within 24 hours which can be paid by yourself, your school or business at any time. Your account will be activated within 24 hours after receipt of payment.